30.11.2009 - It is going to be the first DR meet for the FYJC batch this year...ohhhh!! How I wish I could be a part of it! I miss it all, right from the meetings, the fun, the hardwork, sleepless nights, continuous calls, 'no-food-days' to the tears, the dissapointment. I miss it all sooooo much!!!! Well thats RAPPORT for you...its addictive!
And what a sheer coincidence :
On 4.12.2008 I was all set to attend my FIRST DR meeting for RAPPORT
and this year on 4.12 I'll be giving my first prelim paper :S Life!!!
A 'fancy' biodata has been prepared, research has been done, grilling sessions and mock interviews are done with....Its been almost 3 months of screening and grilling sessions and the final Fab 4 are all set to dazzle at the final interview at Bombay House!!!
Yes! I'm talking about the Final interview for the Dorabji Tata scholarship which is going to be held from 30th Nov to 3rd Dec (mine being on 1st Dec)...AVJ, Vaish, SR and I are all set to go and enjoy THE experience :) Undoubtedly, there are butterflies in the stomach, a bit of anxiousness and eagerness in the heart..but above all theres excitement and that subtle confidence which you get only when you've actually bothered to work for something!
*sigh* I'm gonna miss the 'journey'!! From late night calls and messages to the distress "Ma'm ne kya pucha" chats, from standing outside Ma'ms office and doing full on lukkhagiri to cribbing on why the TATA's actually bothered to venture into so many fields...we've done it all :) Joy, resentment, tension, pride...its been a gamut of emotions :)
Aah!! I shall blog about it in detail later coz right now I'm supposed to be reading up on Tata's ;)
P.S - There are so many things to write about..the Bangalore trip, friends etc etc!! Coming up soon :)