Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mum on the guitar ?? Naice ;)

Always having nursed the passion to play a musical instrument but never having gotten the chance & time to pursue it, my mom is all set to become a rockstar!!! (not that she wasn't one earlier...but now she'll be an authentic one with the guitar :P )

Well, in fact she was going to learn the piano but it was yours truly who pataofied (actually pestered would be the word) her to take up the guitar. I did'nt want no competition you see, coz Mumma's a quick learner & would prefer retaining my title of the 'Best Pianist' in the family !(actually there's no one else who plays the piano :P) And what's more, if Mumma learns the guitar I get to play it too!! Ain't I smart ;) ?

And aaah!!! Do I see a home grown band in the making :P ?? Lets see, we already have a pianist , a lead guitarist and a cousin as the bass guitarist and mumma can back up for vocals too (considering dad is so bad a singer that I would blindly bet my 'rangeela' on him to win the laryngytis :D) But wait!!!! Something's missing!! Aah Yess!! It's the drummer ;) Ummmm well, I can always marry a drummer can't I?? That would make 'HIM' family ;) :P

P.S - You get the drift G, P and S..dont you :P ???

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